I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving (if you live in the US. Otherwise I hope you had a good non-holiday day)!

Oh geez, it’s been a while since I posted anything on here.

About book 2:

I am ALMOST done with the first draft, which is probably what’s going to take me the longest. My current estimate for when it will be finished is March, but this is a very, very loose estimate that could easily change.

In other news, I’m selling and signing books again in Boulder, this time at the Rayback Collective (2775 Valmont Road) from 2:00-4:30pm (here’s the facebook event). Come say hi!


I’ve been working on a major overhaul of my website on and off for a couple of months now, and I just finished yesterday and updated the whole thing. GO CHECK OUT MY AWESOME NEW WEBSITE!

I’m also thinking about ordering/making buttons, t-shirts, mugs etc. with the symbol from the cover of The Triplets on them, because I know a couple of friends and family members are interested and want those things (also signed books). It’ll be a while before any of that’s up, though.

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